Next level with drives
The success of an organization is determined by the people who work there; the people make the culture and are the calling card to the outside world. If your people don't feel at home with your organization it works through everything; processes are more rigid, more mistakes are made and the appeal of the organization diminishes.
- Culture inventory
- Leadership development
- Talent-based teams
- Selecting people
- Building teams
Drives: the building blocks of your organization
Drives have enormous significance for people's behavior, energy and effectiveness. Everyone is different and perceives the world through his or her own color glasses.
It proves to be an extremely effective tool for improving the performance of individuals and teams, as well as strengthening the bond between people and the organization.
- Leadership development
Strong leadership begins with self-insight and understanding of others. Modern leaders (re)know the drives of others and adjust their style accordingly.
Drives color what people see and predict what they will do. By (re)knowing drives of others, you know what to expect and can respond accordingly. This leads not only to a faster match, better results, but also to more trust, commitment and a positive work atmosphere. Leadership with drives inspires, connects and brings teams to a higher level.
Workshop: LeadershipPeaple make the difference
The success of an organization is determined by the people who work there.
Selecting people
Find the right match
In a modern hiring process, you look beyond skills and experience alone. A candidate's drives help determine whether he or she fits into the culture of the group. In addition, drives also determine someone's added value or impact on the team's talents.
Find the right match
In a modern hiring process, you look beyond skills and experience alone. A candidate's drives help determine whether he or she fits into the culture of the group. In addition, drives also determine someone's added value or impact on the team's talents.
Talent-based teams
Because it works better
A team can develop 3 forms of talent; the talent to innovate, to do business and to execute. Team talents must fit the team task. By selecting with drives, you make choices that also contribute to a closer and more productive team in the long run. New employees feel at home faster, can perform better and stay involved with your organization longer.
Because it works better
A team can develop 3 forms of talent; the talent to innovate, to do business and to execute. Team talents must fit the team task. By selecting with drives, you make choices that also contribute to a closer and more productive team in the long run. New employees feel at home faster, can perform better and stay involved with your organization longer.
Building teams
Strengthen vigor and maintain harmony
Team members must be sufficiently different from each other to avoid tunnel vision and keep the team alert to changing external circumstances. When the differences in a team become too great, the internal cohesion disappears, leading to problems in understanding each other well and working well together. A well-composed team is better equipped for its task and achieves better results.
Strengthen vigor and maintain harmony
Team members must be sufficiently different from each other to avoid tunnel vision and keep the team alert to changing external circumstances. When the differences in a team become too great, the internal cohesion disappears, leading to problems in understanding each other well and working well together. A well-composed team is better equipped for its task and achieves better results.
RealDrives interpreter/coach
In-house workshops
Certification for use of RealDrives
3 days at your site, for up to 8 participants
Participants learn what drives are, what they mean for an individual and in a group. One learns the color language of drives and how to explain RealDrives profiles.
In-depth workshop RealDrives
½ day at your site, for up to 10 participants
This workshop is designed for people who have done the certification training and want to refresh or deepen their skills with RealDrives.

Culture inventory
With drives toward sustainable growth and success!
By integrating drives into your organization, you lay the foundation for a culture where employees feel heard, valued and motivated.
This impacts not only the engagement and performance of your people, but also the success and growth of your organization. Whether it's leadership, collaboration or talent attraction, drives make the difference.
Discover what drives can do for your organization and take the next step toward continued growth and development.
Looking for a tailored approach?
The Visfabriek is RealDrives integrator and designs tailored solutions for organizations.